Unlike many other industries, financial organizations, specifically banks, have a responsibility to service people from all different walks of life, generations and backgrounds. This comes with a set of unique challenges, as everybody needs to be able to easily access their money and have vastly varying needs and struggles when it comes to using a service. The Valley has worked on many projects that help banks and financial organizations navigate this complex terrain.

From brick and mortar to fully digital
Financial organizations and banks have been faced with challenges unlike any other sector over the past decade. Moving from a mostly in-person brick and mortar way of working into a completely digitized experience doesn’t happen overnight. Simultaneously, accommodating a young generation that wants to do everything from their phones whilst still servicing older clients who might not be as tech savvy means that banks and service providers need to keep both journeys in mind at all times. Not to mention the need for trust and assurance from a bank dealing with personal and sensitive data. Finding the right partner to consider all these obstacles means that experience and knowledge in the field is extremely important.

Simple and intuitive
Processes within banking can be complex and tedious. So, not only are you digitizing the existing processes, it’s necessary to simultaneously analyze them and restructure or adapt them when possible. Similar to the healthcare industry, digitizing banking means journeys need to be user friendly for people who are used to face-to-face interactions and need to keep information secure. One of the most challenging projects within this conundrum is KYC as organizations are still learning who their customers are and the needs they have from a digital platform versus a physical one. Banks need help strategizing and researching how to excite people to make use of their business accounts and the advantages they offer. We focus on providing tech and experiences that empower this process.
Increasing knowledge by sharing
The Valley has had UX designers working in all sorts of divisions within the field of banking and finance including innovation, global business banking, helpdesks and payments. The information gathered from these experiences gets shared and expanded on within our teams, making The Valley a preferred partner for companies such as ING. This allows our designers to bring valuable insights to your organization and assist financial organizations in their growth. Our designers are skilled at finding clever and reliable solutions to problems, whilst navigating complicated legislation that is still far behind the technical advances in the field.