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Our On-Premise Approach

With our extensive experience in in-housing, we've developed a unique On-Premise approach that efficiently provides the right professionals to your business. 

Our placing process

  • Understanding business needs: We receive a brief or have a joint intake to define the needs of your business
  • Short list of specialists: We offer a selection of profiles of professionals whom we know well and believe would fit your organization based on talent, experience, and character.
  • Setting up the first introduction: Together, we will identify the right candidates and explore if there is a mutual connection; if so, we will schedule the interview.
  • Senior-led onboarding: We ensure that our professionals swiftly contribute value to your team through senior guidance during the onboarding period.
  • Continuous guidance and training: Throughout the endorsement period, the professional receives ongoing self-development opportunities through our training and guidance.

How we swiftly deliver high-quality candidates

Big talent pool

As part of Assist Digital, one of the leading CX agencies in Europe, The Valley has access to a large talent pool of more than 6,000 skilled professionals. Apart from that, as an established agency with a solid track record, The Valley has access to an extensive network of talented individuals at different stages of their careers looking for exciting projects that they can sink their teeth into.

Ensuring quality

Our selection process and entry assignments ensure that every professional meets our high-quality standards before joining The Valley, ensuring that only talented and motivated individuals become part of your team.

Precision placement

A good fit and the right competencies are essential. Therefore, we look further than just CVs, evaluating character and motivation of individuals. Once we identify a suitable candidate, we'll share their profile with you. For those of interest, we'll arrange a meeting to gauge compatibility. If all goes well, they can seamlessly join your team.

Holistic view

Since The Valley is a Customer Experience agency, all the professionals we deploy On-Premise are trained to approach the challenges they encounter holistically. They consider the entire customer journey and input from different perspectives in their decision-making process to deliver the best possible solution.

Interested in learning more about our On-Premise services?

Contact Us.

Brian Oostenbrink


Contact Brian