It covers the a range of E-mail marketing online communication, including strategy, concepting and inspiration workshops, campaign development, and the micro-sites to accompany them. While also providing the logistic support in execution of the e-mail campaigns. This combination of support converts on all on going communication from the GDL brands. The collaboration is as continuous and intensive as the marketing efforts of the three brands of GDL with members of the Valley team embedded in the beautiful GDL building as part of the daily operation.

Goede Doelen Loterij Consistent improvement through a close relationship
Longterm relationships are a tribute to the efforts from both sides and after 11years of collaboration with GDL (Charity Lotteries), that relationship is one of our proudest accomplishments.
The benefits of being in it for the long haul
Keeping what works and changing what doesn’t. Sounds simple, but is obviously challenging in a non-stop environment. Capturing the interaction and data that uncover new insights informs continuous implementation of new techniques in each iteration. This approach allows for the constant optimization of each step in the journey while preserving consistency. Each mail should not only lead to conversion but also play its role in the total brand building of the three existing Goede Doelen Loterijen brands.

Next to our E-mail marketing efforts, we build more than 30 temporary sites each year for special GDL projects. Functioning as the conversion points for all communication, they need to work flawlessly 24/7 and meet high demands on speed and quality. Time pressure is always a given and never an issue, allowing GDL to confidently reap the benefits of their marketing.
The success of our partnership is reflected in the minimal opt-out rates, heightened open rates and significant growth in conversion. This combined with the expanding development of temporary sites highlights the benefits to both parties, of our long-term relationship.