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Envision your ultimate customer journey: Need help to bring it to life? Discover CX Excellence with CX North Star

You know your ultimate customer journey, and your vision for the future is clear. But how to bring this vision come to life? We all know from experience that turning CX touchpoints into a seamless and coherent journey can be a real challenge. CX North Star is the perfect intermediate step in bringing the vision to life. Why? Because the final deliverable takes your imagination to new heights by vividly illustrating the touchpoints of your focus. Immerse yourself in a visual representation that envisions how these touchpoints intertwine, crafting an extraordinary experience that perfectly aligns with your goals.

Our approach has three building blocks:

  1. Discovery: Uncover Insights and Define Clear Goals

The starting point is an intensive research phase. This includes conducting a CX audit, tech audit, competition and trend analysis, and defining short- and long-term goals. The outcomes of this phase will be translated into a robust strategy for the CX North Star.

  1. CX North Star: visualizing (part of) your journey

Building upon the insights gathered in the discovery phase, we formulate an inspiring vision for the touchpoints of your focus. We visualize the most critical touchpoints, showcasing how they work together to create a seamless and immersive experience for your customers.

  1. Roadmap: Strategic Plan and Cost Estimation

We provide a strategic roadmap that outlines a phased transformation plan for your online journey. This roadmap offers an overview of the necessary steps and estimates each phase's cost, ensuring a well-planned and efficient transformation process.

In short, why choose CX North Star?

  1. Expertise and Experience: Our team brings extensive CX strategy and digital transformation expertise. We deeply understand your industry, ensuring optimal results.
  2. Robust visual design and UX foundation: We take a comprehensive yet pragmatic approach, considering every aspect of the next steps in your CX journey. From CX audit to future touchpoint visualization and prioritization.  
  3. Collaborative Partnership: We value collaboration and consider your input and vision integral to the CX North Star. We work closely with your team throughout the project, ensuring alignment and a shared commitment to success.

Ready to Transform Your Online Platform?
Take advantage of the opportunity to revolutionize your online touchpoints. Embrace the power of CX North Star and embark on a journey of digital transformation and customer satisfaction. Get inspired by the CX North Star we crafted for Great British Chefs and Airpop, and reach out if your organization is ready for the next CX step.  

Let's catch up on your CX North star opportunities!

Philip Kok (CEO)


Contact Philip